Review: Flex Studio’s 6-day Detox Program

Review: Flex Studio’s 6-day Detox Program

Healthy HKG Flex Studio Detox Programme

Earlier this year, Flex Studio hosted a 6-day detox program to help participants improve digestive issues, blemished skin, energy levels and ultimately create lasting dietary and lifestyle changes through yoga and nutrition. 

Why detox?

As a CrossFitter who trains daily and preps her own meals with a good balance of protein, carbs and fats (most of the time), the biggest problem in my diet was dehydration, as I didn’t have a habit of drinking enough water. Because of that, I’ve always had issues with my bowel movements, so when the opportunity to try a guided detox programme came up, I was ready for a change. 

The programme

Jessica Williams teaching pilates (Photo: Courtesy of Flex Studio)

Led by certified nutritionist and yoga and Pilates instructor Jessica Williams, the detox programme took place at Flex Studio, One Island South in Wong Chuk Hang. 

For HK$3,900, the package included a pre-detox nutrition consultation, a supplement pack, a detox manual, daily yoga classes and nutrition lectures, as well as individual support throughout the programme. 

The word “detox” can sound intimidating to some, but luckily, Jessica had prepared several cleansing options to suit all levels of detox:

OPTION 1: Full fast liquid cleanse with a diet that consisted only of vegetable broth, fresh juice, herbal tea and water.

OPTION 2: Modified cleanse that allowed smoothies and blended soups.

OPTION 3: Partial cleanse that included steamed vegetables, fresh fruits, salads and soups. 

As someone who’d never tried a detox before, I was ready to go all-in (thinking everyone else in the class would do the same). But after realising that everyone had chosen Option 3 at our first meeting, I decided to go for Option 2, the modified cleanse, as I wasn’t sure how my body would react to a full cleanse.

Drinks and supplements

The “Master Cleanse Drink”—a detox drink that appears in all the cleansing options—is a recipe that consists of two tablespoons of fresh lemon or lime juice, one tablespoon of pure maple syrup, one-tenth teaspoon of cayenne pepper and 250ml of pure water. We were told to drink 8-10 glasses of it per day (in addition to herbal teas and normal water), and to avoid all caffeine and alcohol in the process.

The programme package also included three supplements: TrueGreens, Liver-G.I. Detox and G.I. Fortify. Unfortunately, I was only given the TrueGreens powder as the two other supplements weren’t available, but Jessica recommended me to replace them with milk thistle, which I added to my herbal tea every night. 

Yoga and nutrition

For six days I, along with participants of the detox programme, joined the 1pm yoga class at Flex Studio One Island South instructed by Jessica. It’s a recurring class at the studio, though more yoga poses that target the digestive system were added to complement the detox programme. 

After each yoga class, a 20-minute nutrition lecture was held at the studio covering a different topic each day—from the liver, skin, lymphatic system and colon to the kidneys and lungs. I found the lecture on the colon especially helpful to understand my digestive issues and what I needed to do to support intestinal detoxification. All the lecture information was readily available in the detox manual, and Jessica would record lectures for participants who couldn’t make it and share it via email afterward. 

Throughout the programme, Jessica checked on our progress daily via email to make sure we were on track during the cleanse. Pre- and post-cleanse guidelines were provided to make sure transitions into and off the cleansing programme was well planned and gradually carried out. 


My biggest takeaway from Flex Studio’s 6-day detox programme was that it made me re-evaluate my relationship with carbs. During the six days, I found myself more focused and sharper than ever at work, and I was able to wake up without having to drag myself out of bed. And although I only had blended soup for lunch and dinner, I wasn’t feeling hungry as often as I thought I would. 

These significant changes that I experienced in my body had me reflecting on the role of carbs in my diet much more. While everyone may have different results from the detox, the benefits of a no/low-carb diet were clear to me.

Ultimately, the detox programme was a safe and effective way to break any unhealthy habits with food and help us become more mindful of what our bodies need to achieve long-term health. 

Learn more about Flex Studio’s 6-day detox programme and keep an eye out for the next one!