Watch out for … 7D mangoes

Confession: I’m addicted to 7D mangoes. They’re sweet, chewy, bright and cheery and once I rip open a bag, you couldn’t stop me from finishing it even if you dangled a hot and gooey chocolate chip cookie in my face.

ImageI always assumed the 7D mangoes were on the healthy side since they were (duh…) fruit, but I finally got myself to look at the nutritional labeling and boy, do I regret it. Turns out each bag has about 380 calories, including 85 grams of sugar!

This is equivalent to about three fresh mangoes, which is not only filling but a lot messier to eat too (especially when you don’t have a knife or spoon). Bottom line is — don’t stop eating 7D mangoes, but just don’t eat the whole bag at once! Easier said than done.

7D mangoes are available at most 7-11s for around HK$25. πŸ˜‰


  1. […] mentioned earlier, I’m a huge 7D mango addict, but because they’ve got so many calories and sugar I decided to look for other options, like […]

  2. […] looking for something healthy, check out the dried fruit and nut section, which usually has 7D mangoes, cashew nuts and Joli pitted prunes (along with their other antioxidant berry […]